
Wholesale purchase and sale of dried pears

خرید و فروش عمده گلابی خشک

Buying and selling dried pears

Stay with us in this article to get to know more about the properties of dried pears and the things that affect the wholesale purchase and sale of dried pears.

Dried pears are a delicious and healthy snack because pears are rich in important vitamins and minerals. Like apples, pears contain a lot of pectin, which is good for the intestines.

This characteristic fruit originally comes from the Eurasian region. In the 18th and 19th centuries, pears were mainly cultivated in France and Belgium. Today there are about 2500 types of pears.

Nutrients and calories in dried pears

Dried pears are a source of many important vitamins and minerals. Iron, potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphate, iodine and zinc are worth mentioning. Pear also helps with kidney and bladder problems.

Nutritional Value

Calories: 326 calories
Carbohydrates: 75.2 grams
Protein: 4.4 grams

Fat: 0.8 grams


 A: 13 micrograms
B1: 0.2 mg
B2: 0.2 mg
B6: 0.9 mg
C: 7 mg
E: 0.7 mg


Calcium: 32 mg
Iron: 2.8 mg
Potassium: 1477 mg
Magnesium: 110 mg

Sodium: 4 mg

Useful properties of dried pears

Dried pear contains vitamins such as B1, B2, E and PP. It contains a lot of potassium and other rare elements, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Dried pears contain coarse fiber, ascorbic acid and fructose. All this makes the product not only a delicious dish, but also a very useful dessert.

1. The effect of dried pears on weight loss

Dried pears are very sweet, but at the same time, unlike candy and chocolate, they have moderate calories. This allows you to use dried pears as a remedy when losing weight.

2. The effect of dried pears on intestinal function

Pears in dry form contain a lot of fiber, which allows you to improve bowel function, stimulate its harmful effect and eliminate constipation. Pear in fresh and dry form has a mild laxative effect and allows you to clean the intestines without pain.

This dry fruit is often used as a diuretic, the delicious decoction of which helps to get rid of edema and cause the outflow of lymphatic fluid.

3. The effect of pears on the heart

A large amount of potassium makes pears extremely useful for the heart and blood vessels

4. The effect of pears on colds

Pears are used in folk medicine as one of the best medicines in the fight against cough. It liquefies the sputum and leaves the lungs more easily. But best of all, pear combats spasms of the lungs, acute attacks of coughing, which are common with whooping cough, tuberculosis, pneumonia and asthma. Children especially like pears. If a child coughs at night, just give him a decoction of dried pears. This will help stop the attack.

Pear reduces high fever, stimulates the body’s active forces, helps fight inflammation and viruses. Regular consumption of pears is also an excellent source of strong immunity.

5. The effect of pears on the liver

Dry pear cleans the liver, heals the body after poisoning with heavy metals, drugs and alcohol.

6. The effect of pears on mental concentration

The pear is perfectly stimulated and strengthened. After eating just 4-5 pieces, you can improve concentration, increase efficiency and increase mental activity.

Pear drink restores water and salt balance well in the body, it is very effective for hangover. Just a few glasses of pear compote will help get rid of headaches and nausea.

7. Dried pear improves the functioning of the pancreas.

All these useful properties of the fruit indicate that pears should be kept in every home, for this they must be properly dried.

How to dry pears to preserve all the vitamins

Pear processing technique is not important. In order to preserve all the useful elements in the pear, it must be dried properly. Try not to buy ready-made dried pears. Often reckless manufacturers dry them in hot ovens, which significantly speeds up the process, but, alas, leaves nothing useful in the product.

1. Drying pears in the sun

If you have a balcony or a summer cottage, it is better to dry the pears in the open air and in the sun. The fruit is pre-washed, cleaned of the core and cut into small slices. Then put the sliced ​​pears on a tray with a distance and Draw it into a net. The next step is to dry the pear pieces in the sun or in a shady place with good ventilation.

2. Drying pears in the oven

In a city apartment, you can dry pears in the oven, but the temperature should be less than 50 degrees. Such drying takes more than an hour, but the product retains most of the useful components.

3. Drying pears with a fruit dryer

You can dry pears in a special dryer to prepare dried fruit. If you want the pear to not darken and keep its golden color, you should boil it with boiling water and immediately immerse it in cold water for a few minutes and then dry it.

Contraindications for dried pears

Every product has its own contraindications, and pears are no exception. Firstly, dried pears cannot be eaten in large quantities. Secondly, pears have laxative properties, but in moderation; If you consume it in large quantities, fructose and starch as part of the product will have the opposite effect and constipation will occur.

Thirdly, pears cannot be combined with dairy products. This can lead to indigestion, fermentation in the gut and active bloating. However, this does not apply to fermented milk products.

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