
Wholesale buying and selling of dried bananas

Wholesale buying and selling of dried bananas

Buying and selling dried bananas

Dried banana is one of the best dried fruits that has many fans due to its warm texture and pleasant taste.

In general, fresh or dry bananas are rich in minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber, which are very useful for the body.

Since it is very difficult to store fresh bananas, Rooz Aftabdi Notash company prepares them in dry form and sells them to the market.

In the wholesale purchase and sale of dried bananas, there are important factors that are important in this article

Banana facts

Banana is a tropical fruit that was first found in Southeast Asia and in countries like China and India.

It is interesting to know that in terms of shape and color, bananas have a high variety. Currently, there are more than 1000 types of bananas in the world, which are generally purple, green, red, and yellow.

But the most common type of banana that has become a commercial type is the yellow and elongated banana.

During the ripening stage, bananas produce ethylene gas, which acts as a plant hormone.

Green and unripe bananas turn yellow when they are kept in a closed container due to the production of ethylene gas.

Of course, the exported bananas are picked green and ripe, and after reaching the destination, they are placed in rooms filled with ethylene gas so that the fruits ripen artificially.

Nutrients of dried banana

Banana is a nutritious fruit rich in potassium, which has a lot of protein, fiber and other vitamins.

According to the latest research by scientists, the nutrients in one banana are as follows:

Calories 105 grams

Fiber 3.1 grams

Sugar 14.4 grams

Fat 0.4 grams

27 grams of carbohydrates

Protein 1.3 grams

Potassium 450 mg

Vitamin B6, 0.5 mg
Vitamin C, 9 mg
Calcium 6 mg
Vitamin A 81IU
Vitamin E 0.12 mg
Iron 0.3 mg
Magnesium 34 mg
Folate 25 mcg
Riboflavin 0.1 mg
Niacin 0.8 mg
Manganese 0.3 mg

Properties of dried bananas

Given that dry or fresh bananas are a rich source of vitamins and nutrients; Its daily consumption plays a significant role in human health and beauty. In the following, we discuss the most important properties of using bananas in the body:

Health and good heart function

(the high potassium content in bananas has a great effect on strengthening the heart)

Improving the function of the digestive system

(due to the abundance of fiber in dry bananas, it becomes easier to digest food)

Increasing energy and providing the body’s metabolism

(carbohydrates in bananas are the source of the body’s necessary energy)

Blood sugar control

(diabetic patients should be careful in consuming dried bananas daily because the sugar in dried bananas is higher than other dried fruits)

improving anemia

(due to the amount of iron in dry bananas, its daily use is effective in anemia)

Increasing physical strength

(antioxidants and vitamins in dry bananas help a lot in strengthening physical strength)

Fighting cancer

(antioxidants fight cancer)

Improving the performance of athletes

(carbohydrates in dry bananas provide athletes with the necessary energy. The potassium in it also helps maintain the proper functioning of muscles and nerves during exercise)

Eye health

(potassium in it takes care of dry eyes and vitamin A affects vision)

Improving colds

(bananas are rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and fights infections; also, the presence of vitamin B6 and other antioxidants help reduce inflammation and support the overall function of the immune system)

Reducing anxiety and stress and getting happy quickly

(presence of pyrenephrine and vitamin B9 is effective in reducing stress)

Improving sleep

(this fruit contains tryptophan, which stimulates the release of melatonin. The human body uses melatonin to relax and fall asleep)

Weight loss and slimming

Reducing the risk of kidney diseases and creating kidney stones

(potassium in mulberry has a direct effect on kidney function)

Banana drying method

dried banana

dried banana

There are different methods for drying bananas according to the facilities and time we have;

Such as drying bananas in the sun, drying with a microwave oven, drying with a heater or heater, and drying with a dryer.

In all these methods, we must first wash the healthy and unblemished bananas well. In the next step, we peel and cut the bananas. We arrange the cut bananas in a tray and space them apart

If you use the method of drying in the sun, you should pay attention to several points:

*To prevent bananas from turning black, add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to them.

*Put a suitable mesh on the tray so that they are not exposed to insects.

* The duration of drying bananas in the sun is from 2 to 7 days.

* While the bananas are drying, be sure to turn them upside down so that they dry evenly.

In the method of drying with a dryer, set the temperature of the machine to 57 degrees Celsius. The time required for drying with the machine is about 8 hours, and you should turn the bananas every two hours

Dry banana storage and packaging conditions

The best place to store dried fruits is the refrigerator. Because the place to store dried fruits should be a cool and dark place to protect them from insects and mold.

The shelf life of dry bananas in the freezer is from 4 months to one year.

The best packaging for dry bananas is a plastic freezer bag, a vacuum or zippered plastic bag. Of course, glass or wooden containers can also be used in some cases.

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